Social Self Services

Culture Integration Classes & Self Service Classes

Accessed over 1600 times by over 250 families, our open-door service times support the immigrant and refugee community by removing barriers to workforce development and moving them to financial stability. Services allow us to discover what obstacles exist for each individual and place them on a path to remove that barrier. It also provides valuable time and space to teach about processes and how to attain or maintain the service themselves. 

Due to the number of new arrivals, beginning August 1, 2024 we will no longer provide one-on-one social service, but will provide group learning ​sessions as a self-service model.  Each student will learn how to serve themselves on a provided tablet and translators will be provided along with translated instructions for each service. Volunteers will be available for community navigation questions.

Students MUST register for self-service classes and utilize appropriate times for the appropriate topics.

Barriers we see daily in order of most frequent are:

  • Interpretation
  • Food Assistance
  • Phone Calls
  • Medical/Dental
  • Community Resource Referral
  • USCIS account help - Digital Literacy
  • Financial/Legal referrals
  • Housing Assistance
  • Workforce Referrals/Applications

Self Service Class Hours

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ELL & Culture Classes

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